100 Bustine protettive di dimensione USA 56mm x 87mm della linea Sapphire. Spessore di 60 micron, per una protezione maggiore dei vostri giochi di carte.
Misure: 56 x 87 mm
Modello: PURPLE
Pezzi: 100
Adatte per: 6 Nimmt!, Age of Gods, Traitor, Arkham Horror (carte grandi), At the Gates of Loyang, Bacchus' Banquet, Bang!, Battlestar Galactica, Before the Wind (carte grandi), Biberbande, Semenza, Ca$h 'n Gun$, Cashflow 101, China, Citadels, Cleopatra, Cluedo Card Game, Coloretto, Colossal Arena, Cosmic Encounter, Doom, Dragon Gold, El Capitan, Elixir, Eurorials, Fire and Axe: A Viking Saga, Fist of Dragonstones, Fluxx, Ghost Stories, Great Dalmuti, Hanabi (edizione tedesca), Im Auftrag des Königs, Intrigue, King of Siam, Kingsburg, Landlord!, Leonardo da Vinci (carte grandi), Mag Blast, Mamma Mia!, Meister Scheibenkleister, Metropolys, Mission Red Planet (carte Evento), Modern Art, Monopoly Deal Card Game, Munchkin, Mystery of the Abbey, No Thanks!, On the Underground, Once Upon a Time, Perry Rhodan: The Cosmic League (carte Astronave), Rage, Risk: the Lord of the Ring, Robo Rally, Runebound, Scarab Lords, Sole Mio, Starcraft: the Boardgame, Strozzi, Tempus, The Market of Alturien, Tichu, Ticket to Ride, Tide of Iron, Titanic der Mythos, Top Secret Spies, Walk the Plank, WarCraft: The Board Game, Wiz-War, World of Warcraft: The Boardgame (carte grandi)